Monday, June 21, 2010

What's the best hand cream for dry skin?

That norwegian formula one where the woman's in the snow in the advertWhat's the best hand cream for dry skin?
there is a store called bath and body works they have the best hand face creams washes exc, and its all natural its really good for your skin Report Abuse
What's the best hand cream for dry skin?
Try Drapoline - it might sound like an odd recommendation but it works brilliantly on my hands. It is fully absorbed and it is mildly anti-septic too - ideal for sore hands. Unlike E45 and other hands creams that claim to be non greasy but leave your hands still all slippery, Drapoline is fully absorbed into the hands. I use it occasionally. Why pay for expensive and greasy hand creams when Drapoline is available. It also leaves my hands feeling nice.
Elizabeth Arden 8 hour hand cream - feels amazing on and is supposed to last even after a few hand washes! Go into any department store that stock it and you can try it for free and you'll never need to ask this question again! :o)
ELAVE. I've tried everything else, including E45, which is supposed to be the best, and Elave is defo the best.

Once a week I also melt a bit of cocobutter in my hands for a deep moisturing- then i rub it in my hair instead of a hot oil treament! Two birds with one stone....
Plaster vaseline on with cotton gloves worn on top overnight while you sleep, it will soak in and job done.

I had to do this after my last placement on a hospital ward - washing my hands a thousand times a day and i started to get a reaction so i know this works.
I use E45 on my eczema. It stops it getting worse but doesn't seem to really make it any better. I use it twice a day, sometimes more, I am going to try that stuff the other person with eczema mentioned.
Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream

, it i lovely and warm too! i love it, i sit with it and put little drops on and it works wonders!!
I have used E45 cream here is the site that gives more info : )
The best for me was a combination of olive oil and avocado.
go to a chemist and ask a pharmacist, they will know exactly what you need
The body shop hemp one is really good
marks and spencer hand and nail cream

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dry skin