Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hand creams for skin repair on your hands?

Any suggestions for good creams to use after rock climbing, especially after regular time at the wall?

I've started using metolius superchalk. Really dries out your hands.

I've seen Climb on stuff, and Hand Jam stuff online. But I'd rather just buy the best.Hand creams for skin repair on your hands?
cocoa butter smells good and keeps skin healthy. most drug stores have it. cvs, rite aid, etc.Hand creams for skin repair on your hands?
I know it sounds crazy, but you might want to try good old-fashioned Vaseline on your hands. My son had extremely chapped cracking hands a few days ago and I didn't want to put lotion on it for fear of it burning. So I looked around the house and found Vaseline. He put it on and not only did it not burn his hands, but the redness and drying went away within minutes! Try it!
When I started climbing, my hands were awful. Thick blisters, bloody knuckles, and callusess so thick they must have been a good quarter of an inch. But, as I started climbing reguluarly, the skin strengthened. As long as you climb at a constant pace for a while, your hands will adapt.
Look in your local CVS or Walgreen's or better your really local old fashion drugstore (but I doubt they still exist) for a can of Bag Balm. It's a heavy greasy compound like Vaseline but smells better. It used to be used by farmers when they were milking cows. And it heels dry chapped skin as well as protects.
I really like Neutrogena. They make stuff called hand butter (I think). It moisturizes so well and it smells GREAT!!!!! It is available at CVS and Rite Aid.

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