Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can men use hand cream and what is the best brand for men?

thank youCan men use hand cream and what is the best brand for men?
Anyone can use hand cream! Aveeno brand is sold in most pharmacies such as Rite-Aid, Walgreen's, CVS and also at Walmart. Look for an Aveeno product called Intense Hand Moisture and Repair cream. It's not targeted at men or women and has no fragrance. It's awesome. Use it twice daily or as much needed. I have serious dry hands where my skin cracks and bleed. I use this and all is well. Good luck! ANY Aveeno product is great.Can men use hand cream and what is the best brand for men?
Cetephil is not scented and Aveeno isn't either and both are very good. There's also Nutrogena, who has a very heavy one in a tube which was invented for fishermen originally; I believe it's heavy because it's concentrated. Any of those would be good for men.
You can use any kind of hand cream to help keep your hands from being rough. If nothing else, use Vaseline.
of course. you don't need to buy anything special-- although you probably want unscented. I like Nivea but there are tons of lotions. Just pick some up at the grocery store.
most certainly yes.

Which brand is best will depend why you want to use it in the first place.
Aveeno! Great for anyone. No crazy perfumes and it rejuvenates skin.
you mean lubricant just buy some from coles
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